monthly meeting topics and speakers
February 11th | Hive set up and installing packages and nucs
March 11th | Chilean Beekeeping presented by Jorik Phillips of Hudson Valley Bee Supply
April 15th | Drones and Queen Rearing presented by John Gaut, EAS Master Beekeeper, Wild Mountain Honey
May 13th | Planting for honey bees and fellow pollinators, presented by a panel of gardening enthusiasts
June 10th | Constructing Wooden Ware and the Frugal Beekeeper
July 8th | Annual CMBC Picnic | Held at Angelo Canna Park, Cairo, NY
August 12th | Extracting honey 101 - let’s get sticky!
September 9th | Winter Preparation and Honey Bee Survival
October 14th | Tips for Beekeepers by Beekeepers with guest speaker Bob Muller, Sun Mountain Apiary
November 11th | Gifts from the hive - craft making.
December 9th | Annual CMBC Christmas Dinner party at the Shamrock House
Megan Denver and guest speaker Dr Thomas Seeley at our April 2023 club meeting.